A little piece of heaven

I would stay here forever if I could. Even on a hot day the cool greenness of this spot in Balsam, NC is delicious. I’ve been blessed to vacation here with my family for the past 29 years. Today we stopped to collect a few rocks-they are scarce in Florida-but ended up staying a bit longer than planned. The car trouble was pretty minor after all. The delay meant a visit with old friends and the chance to enjoy the sound of the creek on Chad Crawford Road.

When I first saw this place I was awed by its beauty. Today it struck me that it will always be that way. Always. Twenty, thirty, even one hundred years from now, the creek will still make music, the balsam still smell sweet. Praise God!

Another Blog?

Yes, it’s true. I find my thoughts regularly go beyond 140 characters, and this platform seems to be the most friendly to mobile users, so here I am again, tinkering with settings and thinking about what to say. Who would have believed even 20 years ago that any and everyone would be able to spout off their two cents worth, publish to the world, and even manage to find some sort of audience? Some days this seems miraculous to me, other days nightmarish.

But mostly I’m beginning this blog after reading some fine ones, and wanting to do more than comment. So, thanks go to  Hannah, Lizzie,  and Sara  for inspiring me more than once. Check out the work of these ladies while I rev my engine to get started.

More to come…